Jaimie Lafferty, RD, CLC
Bachelor of Science in Dietetics | January 2016
University of Delaware Dietetic Internship | Class of 2017
Recipe Modification
One of my projects in this rotation included selecting an existing recipe that is commonly served and alter one or more ingredients to make it healthier. I chose to alter the kitchen's shepherd's pie recipe.
Please click the link below to view the project:
In this section, I would like to highlight some examples of the work I completed during my dietetic internship.
Community Rotation at WIC:
A Focus on Folic Acid to Prevent Neural Tube Defects in Infants
Folic Acid:
The focus of this project was to promote awareness among low-income WIC women about the importance of folic acid to prevent neural tube defects. This bulletin board was created at WIC to educate the participants.
Below I have included a pamphlet that I created for education on Folic Acid.
Elective Rotation at
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital:
Focusing on nutrition for post-kidney transplant patients
Foodservice Rotation at
Shore Medical Center:
Weekly Food Safety Audits
Recipe Modification
Food Safety Audit:
One of my responsibilities during this rotation was to conduct the weekly food safety audits and report them to my preceptor.
Kidney-Friendly Healthy Snacks
The project chosen was suggested by my preceptor, which was to create healthy snacks that meet the energy and nutrient recommendations for post-renal transplant patients to assist with healthy weight gain or healthy weight loss. Each of the snacks is approximately 200 calories or less, the potassium content is 200 mg or less, the phosphorus content is 150 mg or less, and the sodium content is 200 mg or less. This project is pertinent to this population because the patients are required to monitor their diet, especially their consumption of these three nutrients. The patients are often taking medications which elevate their potassium levels while decreasing their phosphorus levels. They must be constantly aware of their dietary potassium and phosphorus intake to maintain healthy levels of these nutrients. This handout provides healthy snack options that also can be used to help patients who experience an increased appetite while taking steroids.
This project was approved by my preceptor, a transplant RD, who sees renal patients and educates them regularly. It was also validated by several different patients and staff members. Different kidney transplant patients who were in the waiting room were interviewed about their opinions on the handout, the layout, and about the food choices that are listed.
Clinical Rotation at Mercy Philadelphia Hospital:
Case Study on Obesity and its Comorbidities
Case Study:
After encountering a patient who was suffering from the complications of obesity, I chose to do one of my case studies on this topic.
Please click the link below to view the project: